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That's a wrap for the first 2019 version of #MOSOMELT!

That's a wrap for the first 2019 version of #MOSOMELT!

by Thomas Cochrane -
Number of replies: 0

Thanks everyone for participating in the first iteration of the #MOSOMELT cMOOC for 2019 - we will run another iteration later in the year. The CMALT cMOOC will launch again in September after the ALT conference in the UK where the Associate and Senior CMALT levels will be formally launched.

We will run weekly webinar on Fridays in the same slot as the #CMALTcMOOC and #MOSOMELT webinars with guest presenters in TEL - however, we're having a break this week from the webinars and will send out a schedule for upcoming webinars soon.


Thom Cochrane.