I thought I would jot down some ideas. This is not an endless list, so feel free to discuss, comment and help make it happen!!
- Integrate (summative or formative) 360-degree environments with reflection (?500words) on how and what the importance is from a s 360-degree student recorded scene. The images could be a project for second year students. This would help to develop scene awareness and the importance of reading the scene for information that relates to a patient presentation. The second part to this is the use of the 360-degree image (with rational) for third year students to work within. This would be within a simulation cave, with the scene projected onto the walls to offer different and challenging environments.
- Development of immersive VR learning environments to help with the understanding of threshold concepts within Paramedicine. The following two ideas relate to the up and coming Clinical Practice Guidelines. This is the bible for pre-hospital clinical practice in New Zealand. Getting the student learning within an immersive environment may promote a greater level of engagement. This however, should not be contrived as a standard book may be a better option. I guess this needs more discussion. A more simple and perhaps better application of this technology would be to offer a VR environment to help bolster and direct understanding of 'High performance CPR'. This is a new concept and lends itself to all emergency responders and has the potential for general public application. This entails a structured response to the layout of CPR that is currently being rolled out throughout New Zealand. It involves equipment and personnel being in specific positions with rational as to why. This could easily be integrated into a VR environment. Alternately, both guidelines and the CPR could be made into a 3D game?
- Again, threshold concepts for third year students are the importance of the Primary and Secondary survey. Most students struggle with this and perhaps a 3D VR patient evaluation may help to reinforce these concepts.
- Currently we provide feedback in the form of face to face discussion. To develop a live audio recording over a simulation video recording would help the student understand exactly what and when and where the feedback relates to. The video with build in feedback could then be given to the student to reflect upon.
- Apple Watch: development of an App that helps with CPR performance. The importance of rate, and depth for CPR are widely accepted. If for example, the watch user states "Hey Siri...start CPR" and activates a CPR metronome, that beeps at 120 per minute whilst recognising the height of the push and release of the chest compression. It could guide/promp the user to push faster and/or to push harder (greater depth). The depth needs to be one third of the chest or 5cm. The watch could light up, vibrate as well as beep for those with a hearing or visual disability. In addition, there is currently a network called 'GoodSam' which locates a community defibrillator and this could be linked into the system. Finally, the Apple Watch currently has a system that recognises the wearers collapse or slow/fast heart rate. It can then directly call the emergency services and offer a location of the person. This system could be integrated into this system with the activation of the App so as the emergency services understand that a person at a location is performing CPR and requires an ambulance.
Feel free to comment on the above ideas.