The weekly webinar series for the #ASCILITEMLSIG #SOTELNZ #CMALTcMOOC and #MESH360 networks will begin again this Friday 26th July at 10:30am New Zealand time, with special guest @NeilCowie3 on "Apps and websites for language learning". Tune in to the Hangout On Air
That's a wrap for the first 2019 version of #MOSOMELT!
by Thomas Cochrane -Thanks everyone for participating in the first iteration of the #MOSOMELT cMOOC for 2019 - we will run another iteration later in the year. The CMALT cMOOC will launch again in September after the ALT conference in the UK where the Associate and Senior CMALT levels will be formally launched.
We will run weekly webinar on Fridays in the same slot as the #CMALTcMOOC and #MOSOMELT webinars with guest presenters in TEL - however, we're having a break this week from the webinars and will send out a schedule for upcoming webinars soon.
Thom Cochrane.
#MOSOMELT Week6 Webinar: Exploring Open Scholarship
by Thomas Cochrane -This weeks webinar explores practical ways of becoming an open scholar through sharing your research and practice on research social networks, and building an online professional portfolio.
UK Hangout:
#MOSOMELT Week6: Developing Open Scholarship
by Thomas Cochrane -This week we explore updating the concept of the Scholarship Of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) for the post web 2.0 age: You are encouraged to establish Researchgate, Mendeley, Google Scholar, and ORCIDprofiles, becoming active participants within online reflective practice research communities. Sharing your innovations in teaching and learning for peer review and feedback is a great way to reflect upon your teaching practice in a much deeper level and also learn from others.
- “Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network. Make your own fully-searchable library in seconds, cite as you write, and read and annotate your PDFs on any device.” (
- Researchgate is fast becoming the ‘LinkedIn’ of academic researchers:
- ORCIDis the Open Researcher and Contributor ID – a way of consolidating your research profiles such as SCOPUSID (Elsevier) and ResearcherID(Web Of Science). For example, my ORCID profile is While ORCID is relatively new, many open journal systems now provide an author profile field for their ORCID.
- Download the Mendeley App(iOS and Android), create a bookmark for, link your Researchgate and Mendeley profiles on your WordPress blog or embed their widgets. Start building a research community by following one another on these online communities.
Combining Open Scholarship with sharing of your research via Social Media provides an alternativeway of measuring the impact of your research (via ALTMETRICs) while also enhancingtraditional research impact measures (increasing downloads/reads/citation counts). Most institutional research database systems now provide links to research article impact factors via both traditional databases (e.g. SCOPUS & Web Of Science) and Altmetrics. Therefore there is a compelling case for researchers to engage with social media to share their research via Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc…
For example:
- Enhancing a subscription based journal article:
- Combining open journal and altmetrics:
Reflect on this process on your WordPress blog.
Suggested readings:
Brembs, Björn, Button, Katherine, & Munafò, Marcus. (2013). Deep impact: Unintended consequences of journal rank. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(Article 291), 1-12. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00291
Buckland, Amy, & Bass, Michelle. (2015, 8 December 2015). Author and research identifiers. Retrieved 27 January, 2016, from
Cochrane, Thomas, Redmond, Petrea, & Corrin, Linda. (2018). Technology enhanced learning, research impact and open scholarship. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3), i-viii. doi:
Costa, Cristina. (2014). The habitus of digital scholars. Research in Learning Technology, 21.
Cronin, Catherine. (2016). Open, networked and connected learning: Bridging the formal/informal learning divide in higher education. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016, Lancaster.
Garnett, Fred, & Ecclesfield, Nigel. (2011). Towards a framework for co-creating open scholarship. In D. Hawkridge, K. Ng & S. Verjans (Eds.), Proceedings of alt-c 2011 – thriving in a colder and more challenging climate: The 18th international conference of the association for learning technology(pp. 199-216). University of Leeds, UK: ALT Association for Learning Technology.
Greenhow, Christine, & Gleason, Benjamin. (2014). Social scholarship: Reconsidering scholarly practices in the age of social media. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(3), 392-402. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12150
Haigh, Neil. (2010). the scholarship of teaching & learning: A practical introduction and critique. Ako Aotearoa, National Office, Wellington, New Zealand: Ako Aotearoa.–learning—a-practical-introduction-and-critique.pdf
Orr, Philip, & Blinstrub, Ashley. (2015). Impact measures and published scholarship. Retrieved from
Priem, J, Taraborelli, D, Goth, P, & Neylon, C. (2010, 26 October). Altmetrics: A manifesto. Retrieved 19 June, 2015, from
Terras, Melissa. (2012). The impact of social media on the dissemination of research: Results of an experiment. Journal of Digital Humanities, 1(3), np.
UC Library. (2015, 26 November 2015). Researcher profile. Retrieved 27 January, 2016, from
Weaver, Debbi, Robbie, Diane, Kokonis, Sue, & Miceli, Lucia. (2012). Collaborative scholarship as a means of improving both university teaching practice and research capability. International Journal for Academic Development, 18(3), 237-250. doi: 10.1080/1360144x.2012.718993
Weller, Martin. (2014). The battle for open: How openness won and why it doesn’t feel like victory. London: Ubiquity Press.
Williams, Catherine, & Padula, Danielle. (2015). The evolution of impact factors: From bibliometrics to altmetrics (pp. 31). Retrieved from
#MOSOMELT Week 5 Webinar: Post Powerpoint Pedagogy
by Thomas Cochrane -Join us as we discuss strategies for designing authentic learning environments using social media.
Join @IanUptonCU (UK time) and I as we discuss strategies for designing authentic learning environments using social media.
#MOSOSMELT Week5: Post Powerpoint Pedagogy
by Thomas Cochrane -This week participants explore online alternatives to classroom interaction beyond Powerpoint, for example: Evernote, Mobile Apps and Airplay mirroring from mobile devices. Some suggested activities to stimulate thinking & discussion:
Here’s a link to a short survey to explore what presentation and classroom interaction tools that #mosomelt participants use:
Please complete the survey and we will share the anonymous results later this week.
2. A recorded
Eric Mazur (2012) argues that effective teaching is not about knowledge transfer, but assimilation of information that is stimulated by teacher-learner interaction. Therefore the role of lecturer is one of creating interactive & collaborative learning environments. Some argue that higher education is plagued by a disconnect between theory and practice, extending beyond the content of the curriculum into teaching practice (Herrington and Herrington, 2006), where our understanding of teaching and learning often does not line up with our teaching practice. While espousing new pedagogies and the affordances of new technologies for learning, educators often default to content delivery via PowerPoint presentations consisting of static screen captures of the subject (Savoy et al., 2009). This week we explore practical strategies for moving away from reliance upon PowerPoint in our teaching practice driven by a reconception of teaching and learning around heutagogy or student-directed learning (Hase and Kenyon, 2007). Based upon our experiences of facilitating curriculum redesign founded upon the integration of mobile social media we argue that teachers must begin by effectively modelling the pedagogical use of new technologies to their students (Cochrane and Antonczak, 2014; Cochrane & Narayan, 2014).
Examples of Interactive Mobile Social Media Tools
Wireless Screen Mirroring
Evernote - Shared collaborative multimedia notes
ADOBE spark - Image rich presentations
Twitter - Conversational curation and analysis via hashtags, e.g. TAGSExplorer
Storify - Curating and sharing social media
Flipboard - Aggregating social media, Curate your own Magazine, Create Reading Lists or Bibliographies...
Teams, Trello or Slack - Building learning communities
Suggested questions for reflection on your blogs
How could you use these tools in your context?
What other mobile social media tools would you suggest?
How does mobile social media enable new pedagogical strategies?
Cochrane, T. & Antonczak, L. 2014. Implementing a Mobile Social Media Framework for Designing Creative Pedagogies. Social Sciences, 3, 359-377.
Cochrane, Thomas, & Narayan, Vickel. (2014). Presenting without powerpoint. Paper presented at the Rhetoric and Reality, proceedings of the 31st Ascilite Conference, Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin. - 292
Hase, S. & Kenyon, C. 2007. Heutagogy: a child of complexity theory. Complicity: an International Journal of Complexity and Education, 4, 111-118.
Herrington, A. & Herrington, J. 2006. What is an Authentic Learning Environment? In: Herrington, A. & Herrington, J. (eds.) Authentic learning environments in higher education. Hershy: Information Science Publishing.
Mazur, Eric. (2012). The scientific approach to teaching: Research as a basis for course design. Paper presented at the Proceedings of ALT-C 2012 - a confrontation with reality: The 19th international conference of the Association for Learning Technology, University of Manchester, UK. Keynote retrieved from
Savoy, A., Proctor, R. W. & Salvendy, G. 2009. Information retention from PowerPoint™ and traditional lectures. Computers & Education, 52, 858-867.
#MOSOMELT Week4 Webinar
by Thomas Cochrane -Join us for a discussion on how to enhance and amplify your ePortfolio (in particular Wordpress)
UK time discussion:
#MOSOMELT Week4: Building your eportfolio
by Thomas Cochrane -This week we invite you to turn your WordPress Blog into an eportfolio: making it into a hub for your mobile social media platforms of choice.
To do this you customise your WordPress site in the ‘dashboard’ or “My Sites” section when logged into WordPress. For example use the WordPress Links section to add links then display them via the Wordpress Links Widget for linking your online activity
- Customise your WordPress blog by adding links to curation tools such as: ScoopIt, Storify, Flipboard, these allow you to create interact web ‘magazines’, e.g. and
- Add links to your online media sharing sites such as YouTube, Twitter…
- For example create a Twitter feed widget at – choose the type of Twitter search from here and then copy and paste the embed code into a WordPress Custom HTML widget: via the Wordpress customiser
- create a Flickr or Instagram or other type of image sharing widget
- in your WordPress ‘sharing’ settings connect your WordPress Blog to your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts
- You can also add “Pages” to your WordPress site for information and content, such as research publications, and use WordPress to host your CMALT portfolio etc…
- Examples of WordPress CMALT portfolios:
Some articles re educational blogging and eportfolios that you may find interesting for further reading:
Traxler, John, & Wishart, Jocelyn (Eds.). (2011). Making mobile learning work: Case studies of practice. Bristol: ESCalate, University of Bristol, Graduate School of Education.
Buchem, Ilona. (2011). Serendipitous learning: Recognizing and fostering the potential of microblogging. Form@re, 2011(74 February/March), 3.
Farmer, James, & Bartlett-Bragg, Anne. (2005). Blogs @ anywhere: High fidelity online communication. In H. Goss (Ed.), 22nd ascilite conference: Balance, fidelity, mobility. Maintaining the momentum? (pp. 197 – 203). Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology.
Downes, Stephen. (2004). Educational blogging. Educause Review, September/October, 14-26.
#MOSOMELT Week3 Webinar
by Thomas Cochrane -This weeks discussion explores the application of geolocation technologies to teaching and learning, with the example of the #MOSOMELT cMOOC participant collaborative
custom Map
UK timed Webinar with @IanUptonCU
#MOSOMELT 2019 Week2 Webinar
by Thomas Cochrane -This weeks webinar explores the use of short form mobile video
Watch live at 10:30am Friday 17 May (NZ time)
For those in the UK we will run a webinar 10:30am Friday 17th UK time with @IanUptonCU