A discussion forum for sharing ideas and resources with the #ascilitemlsig community
Community page for the Ascilite Mobile Learning SIG. (#ascilitemlsig)

To explore the intersection of mobile learning, new pedagogies, SOTEL, DBR, and authentic learning.

Mobile device ownership is ubiquitous, leading to many HE institutions exploring a BYOD approach to mobile learning. However, most Mlearning projects are device centric and focus upon repurposing content for delivery to small screens and substitution of pre-existing pedagogical strategies. The potential of mobile learning is to enable new collaborative connected pedagogies and professional portfolios. The Ascilite mobile learning SIG will explicitly explore the boundaries of current knowledge and approaches to mobile learning, and develop a global collaborative network of mobile learning researchers interested in exploring and implementing the frontiers of mobile learning. The SIG will specifically explore the unique affordances of mobile devices for student-generated content and experiences via such technologies as collaborative media production and sharing, VR, AR, geolocative and contextual sensors, drones and wearable technologies.

#ASCILITEMLSIG MS Teams & Weekly Discussion

by Thomas Cochrane -

We've moved our #ASCILITEMLSIG discussion forum to the new MS Teams channel setup for all of the ASCILITE SIGs - you should all have received an invite via your email into the MLSIG Teams channel. Also we are starting our weekly discussion/webinar this Friday 11th June 10am AEDT (12pm NZ time) via Zoom:

Hi there, 

Thomas Cochrane is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Topic: ASCILITEMLSIG Weekly Meetup

Time: Jun 11, 2021 10:00 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney 

    Every week on Fri, until Dec 17, 2021, 28 occurrence(s) 

    Starting Jun 11, 2021 10:00 AM  

    Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. 

    Weekly: https://unimelb.zoom.us/meeting/tZ0vcOuopj8iHd0gO0ZHAo4U163jnndYdA7A/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGhrDwoGtyRuB6ORpx5AI_Ca_TxiClHgqcNmzC1OQhybVfDZ7QROLxxFOHU 

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/89272084879?pwd=WFNBeVdPdjA5RWFIRlpPa1R6NG93Zz09

    Password: 472514


Or join by phone: 

    Dial (Australia): +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011

    Dial (US): +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923

    Dial (Hong Kong, China): +852 5808 6088 or +852 5803 3730

    Dial (UK): +44 203 481 5240 or +44 131 460 1196

    Meeting ID: 892 7208 4879 

    International numbers available: https://unimelb.zoom.us/u/kbyINj45HM 

Or join from a H.323/SIP room system: 


    or SIP:89272084879@zmau.us


    Meeting ID: 89272084879

    Password: 472514

#ASCILITEMLSIG Webinar 11 December 2020

by Thomas Cochrane -

In our final webinar for 2020 our guest this week was Alexis Pang from the University of Melbourne discussing mobile fieldwork in higher education.

Pang, A., & Weatherley, A. (2016). A Smartphone App for Mobile Learning in the Field. 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICCE 2016), Indian Inst Technol Bombay, Mumbai, INDIA. https://minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au/bitstream/handle/11343/130084/ICCE2016-main-proc-final-19Nov%20Pang_Weath.pdf

Thar, S. P., Ramilan, T., Farquharson, R. J., Pang, A. & Chen, D. (2020). An empirical analysis of the use of agricultural mobile applications among smallholder farmers in Myanmar. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, pp. 14-. doi:10.1002/isd2.12159

#ASCILITEMLSIG at the ASCILITE 2021 Conference

by Thomas Cochrane -

Please add yourself to the #ASCILITEMLSIG Participant Map https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1ZND1WKPQOn0ha1BmvwFtYDWilndT7Un3&usp=sharing

The #ASCILITEMLSIG has 2 x Concise papers accepted: paper 36 & 40
36: A collaborative design model to support hybrid learning environments during COVID19
40: A mobile ecology of resources for Covid-19 learning

Tom Worthington has created a Video introduction to the SIG

The MLSIG will also be contributing to the Combined SIG session = 3 x 30min discussions around top challenges (breakouts)

The MLSIG Weekly Webinar archive now has 55 videos at

We have an active CFP for a special issue of the Research in learning Technology Journal:


#ASCILITEMLSIG Webinar Friday 6th November

by Thomas Cochrane -

This week the #Datacreativities project group from the University of Melbourne will share their development of a new Data Visualisation Framework https://mdap.pages.gitlab.unimelb.edu.au/mdap-2020a-coleman-creative_industries/docs/intro/

Find out about the team at https://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/sotel/datacreativities/datacreativities-research-team/

@kateycoleman⁩ @SpreadboroughKL @thomcochrane @MDAP_Unimelb @fitzyjane @mazinbriz

9:30am AEDT Friday 6th November


#ASCILITEMLSIG Webinar 30th October with @4DVirtualFarm

by Thomas Cochrane -

This week our presenter is Dr Stuart Barber, Senior Lecturer Intensive Animal Mang. & Welfare, Veterinary Biosciences, University of Melbourne - Stuart will present his projects using Virtual reality to teach Bioscience.

Join us 9:30am Friday 30th October (Melbourne Time):


#ASCILITEMLSIG Webinar 11 09 2020

by Thomas Cochrane -

Webinar recording for 11th September 2020

via @YouTube This week @MMhinze from the University of Melbourne Arts eTeam presented a variety of elearning and immersive reality projects

Research in Learning Technology (RLT) MMR Special Collection Update 2020 - Call for Papers

by Thomas Cochrane -

Call for Papers


Research in Learning Technology (RLT) MMR Special Collection Update 2020 - Call for Papers

Mobile Mixed Reality Enhanced Learning


Guest editors

Associate Professor Thomas Cochrane, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, the University of Melbourne, Australia. Cochrane.t@unimelb.edu.au

Associate Professor James Birt, Faculty of Society and Design, Bond University, Australia. jbirt@bond.edu.au

Dr Vickel Narayan, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Sydney, Australia. vickel.narayan@sydney.edu.au

Associate Professor Gail Wilson, Member Emeritus Faculty, Southern Cross University, Australia. Gail.Wilson@scu.edu.au  


Focus of the special collection update

The 2020 update to the Mobile Mixed Reality (MMR) Special Collection for Research in Learning Technology provides an opportunity to explore the impact of MMR on online and hybrid mode education during the COVID-19 crisis.

Of particular interest for the 2020 special collection are investigations in areas that explore the impact of MMR in response to facilitating and enabling online and hybrid learning environments during COVID-19, such as, but not restricted to:

  • How can new and emerging platforms of social VR (e.g. Mozilla Hubs) take VR beyond a solitary learning experience?
  • How can MMR facilitate authentic Studio/Laboratory/Clinic-based education online, particularly in response to campus closures and the physical distancing requirements imposed by COVID-19 restrictions?
  • How can MMR facilitate authentic assessment with the use of synthetic simulated patients/clients?
  • Reviews of the state of the art of mobile augmented reality (AR) and mobile virtual reality (VR) and immersive reality (XR) in education
  • Reviews of the key themes in recent mobile learning research in education
  • Connecting people to places using AR/VR/XR
  • The use of contextual sensors in education, such as iBeacons;
  • The use of drones and telepresence in education; and
  • Wearable technologies.  

The methodological theme for this special collection focuses on research approaches that move beyond simple comparative case studies, and explore the application of Design-Based Research as a methodology for designing authentic mobile learning (Bannan et al., 2015), enabling new pedagogies such as Heutagogy (Blaschke & Hase, 2019; Moore, 2020). As such, a feature of this special collection continues to be to introduce the readership of RLT to the educational applications of mobile learning that they perhaps were unaware of or have not previously used.


In the 2019 MMR special collection editorial James Birt (Cochrane et al., 2020) looked to the future of MMR in education:

It is certainly easy to conclude that technology enhances learning and indeed the upcoming BYO smartphone technologies will capture the creative imagination of MMR education delivery. Including, the shift towards 5G wireless networking, depth sensor cameras, integrated LiDAR and more complex machine learning algorithms capable of data processing.

But, predicting the future is difficult and made more complex with the rapid rise of technology innovation. Recently we have seen changes to the support of mobile VR with a shift away from mobile phone insertable HMDs (Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR) and 3DoF headsets (Oculus Go) to 6DoF standalone hardware (Oculus Quest, HTC VIVE Focus). Software support has also changed recently with companies such as Unity3D depreciating native support for various VR and AR hardware from their game engine requiring third party plugins.

If the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted anything it's that there is a greater than ever need for communicative technology in education but even more so a willingness of educators and learning providers to understand, support and manage mobile technology enhanced learning. The future of MMR will not be driven through technology innovation alone as discussed in this special issue. Rather it will be a multi-faceted approach through understanding technology innovation, managing change, integrating learner centred design methodology, educator literacy and increased capacity for learning providers to support the scalable deployment of MMR devices and applications. It is therefore these current and near future challenges that we look forward to exploring in the 2020 edition of the special collection on MMR.


Submission instructions Papers should be submitted through the RLT online submission system (https://journal.alt.ac.uk/index.php/rlt). Please select the journal section in the system ”Special Collection: Mobile Mixed Reality” when submitting your papers for review.


Deadlines for authors

Call for papers open: 31 August 2020

Submission deadline: 31 October 2020

Decision on manuscripts: 15 November 2020

Revised/final manuscripts: 15 January 2020

Publication: January/February 2021 (indicative)



Bannan, B., Cook, J., & Pachler, N. (2015). Reconceptualizing design research in the age of mobile learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(5), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2015.1018911

Blaschke, L. M., & Hase, S. (2019). Heutagogy and digital media networks: Setting students on the path to lifelong learning. Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.24135/pjtel.v1i1.1

Cochrane, T., Birt, J., & Narayan, V. (2020, 11 May 2020). Editorial for 2019 update to the RLT special collection on mobile mixed reality [Journal]. Research in Learning Technology, 28(Special Collection). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v28.2424

Moore, R. L. (2020, 2020/07/02). Developing lifelong learning with heutagogy: contexts, critiques, and challenges. Distance Education, 41(3), 381-401. https://doi.org/10.1080/01587919.2020.1766949

#ASCILITEMLSIG Webinar Friday 4th September

by Thomas Cochrane -

This week Hassan Khosravi, Senior Lecturer in Learning Analytics, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation and School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, will present an overview of RiPPLE  https://itali.uq.edu.au/ripple

9:30am AEST
